UDCC Training Program

UDCC Training Program

感谢你有兴趣在云顶集团心理咨询中心实习 Center (UDCC) as your practicum/internship site. We are honored by and greatly appreciate 您提供给我们网站的服务,正如我们相信实习生及其相关人员 programs are an integral part of our patients' healing and success.

根据你的教育水平,我们有不同的实习/实习小组. 我们有一个本科生实习项目,帮助校园倡议和非临床活动 operations of the Center. We have a Pre-Practicum for UD Graduate Psych Majors, and a Graduate Clinical Practicum and Internship open to any affiliated university.

Click on the specific program to learn more about or to apply:

Undergraduate Internship

UD Graduate Pre-Practicum 

Graduate Clinical Practicum & Internship (Affiliated University Programs)


For more information:

The University of Dallas 咨询中心 
1845 E. 北门博士.哈格尔340
名额有限. The UDCC will contact eligible interns for 面试s.

Undergraduate 实习

作为UDCC的志愿者本科生实习生,有很多令人兴奋的可能性 for you to choose 从. While observing direct clinical services may not be an option, 由于我们非常重视保密和隐私,我们有很多方式可以与您联系 with and learn more about the field in general. You can connect with one or more, do as many hours per week or as little per month as your program will  permit. 
* UDCC目前不提供实习学分,但正在进行中 为了发展这个. 


Provide on-going support and help develop the following initiatives:

  • UDCC公关,
    • 为学生、教师和学生开发校园范围内的心理健康意识内容 的员工,
    • Multiple mediums: website, social media, printed materials, 和其他人.
  • Educational Mental 健康 Coalition,
    • 协调高中临床医生和管理人员在DFW和美国的帮助 制定计划、研究和倡议来解决心理健康问题 the transition 从 High School to College.
  • BioFeedback Lab Support,
    • Facilitate student, faculty, & staff use of equipment.
  • UTSW & Children’s Hospital Resiliency Training Program Support,
    • Help facilitated programming to select groups on campus.

General Re搜索 and composition opportunities:

研究并帮助开发以下内部和外部出版物的内容 of the UDCC, such as:

  • UDCC Operational materials,
  • 电子表格(非患者数据)、各种电子健康记录评估、 屏幕和表单.
  • 等.

To apply to be an Intern 点击这里

Master Graduate Pre-Practicum

研究生有一些实习和实习的选择 从. The Clinical Practicum & 实习 are open to other affiliated university 学生. The Pre-Practicum is only for University of Dallas Master Psychology 学生. See below for more info on each option.

UD Psych Master Pre-Practicum

For University of Dallas 学生 in the Master of Psychology Program, only. 这 initiative is a collaboration between the UD Psych Department and the UDCC. 学生 谁还没有达到他们的实践年选项,有机会“蘸 their toes into the pool," before diving into their practicum experience. In the Pre-Practicum (“pre - prac”),你可以选择参加实习生小组监督会议,治疗 团队会议,向校园提供公开的心理健康报告,以及联系 到我们的生物反馈实验室、弹性训练计划等项目.

To apply to be in the PrePrac, message us at counseling@euroins.net.

Master Graduate Practicum & 实习

研究生有一些实习和实习的选择 从. The Clinical Practicum & 实习 are open to other affiliated university 学生. The Pre-Practicum is only for University of Dallas Master Psychology 学生. See below for more info on each option.

根据培训和教育水平的不同,有临床实习硕士学生 UDCC的实习生参与评估、治疗计划和持续进行 个人和夫妻咨询课程,并提供简短的家庭治疗 这可能是需要的. There are options to develop group therapy and public psychoeducation 在可能的情况下. We also have a "Support Team" option: live observation by your supervisor and peers with in-session feedback for your work with patients.


The requirements to become a practicum Intern at the UDCC are as follows:  

  • 现为认可院校硕士在读生,符合条件 获得由院校评估的实习/实习机会,寻求LPC; LMSW/LCSW, or LMFT clinical tracks
  • 被认可的机构与国际教育协会签署了一份最新的合作协议 University of Dallas,
  • Fall and Spring semester commitment, Summer and mid-semesters optional as well,
  • 实习学生每周至少3小时,每周至少10小时 为实习生.
  • Max 20 hours per week of direct hours,
  • One supervision hour for every ten clinical hours (Individual and Group),
  • 1 hour of training per week,
  • 实习生携带责任保险,向UDCC提供一份保单副本 导演,
  • 其他潜在的具体职责或要求可在 面试.

Practice Opportunities & 好处

  • UDCC遵循CACREP的所有要求,无论您的研究生课程是否是CACREP 附属,
  • 为不同群体的个人和夫妇提供直接服务,并提供选择 for group and brief family therapy,
  • 提供入院面谈,精神状态评估,生物心理社会史,精神 健康史和心理评估,用于治疗计划和病例管理;
  • 预防和治疗各种精神疾病的技术和干预措施 健康问题,
  • 在大学环境中倡导有精神健康问题的人的策略 or greater community,
  • Medical Doctors on-site for case consultation, 
  • 与学生事务办公室,健康诊所, Care and BIT Teams, and Campus Safety Procedures with on-campus Crises, 
  • 在高等教育界内合作制定项目和干预措施 促进个人在高等教育中的学术、社会和职业成功 ,包括心理健康周期间的活动、各种学生团体活动、 和其他人. 
  • 帮助个人在高等教育环境中的个人/社会策略 的发展,
  • 干预措施涉及范围广泛的个人心理健康问题 higher education 设置,
  • 高等教育个体成瘾预防与干预策略 设置,
  • 在高等教育设置中,使用多种数据源为项目和服务提供信息.

Affiliation Agreement

合作协议是实习学生与实习团队之间签订的合同 University and a third-party affiliate institution (e.g., the UDCC) to place the University's 学生有学分的教育经历,如实习,实地工作, or experiential learning opportunities at the host affiliate location. 一个信仰 协议是必要的实习/实习计划,允许学分的工作 以及云顶集团允许实习生在UDCC开始工作.

合作协议是两个实体之间的法律文件,通常 requires both parties' legal counsel to review and approve the contract. 这个过程 could take as little as two weeks, up to several months. A practicum student intern would need to anticipate the length of this process and plan accordingly. 没有工作 can begin until all parties have signed the Agreement.

Affiliated University Programs

云顶集团咨询中心目前(截至2022年春季)有隶属关系 与以下大学项目签订协议并接受申请 (按字母顺序).

  • Sam Houston State University
  • The Family Institute at Northwestern University
  • Townsend Institute for 领导 & Counseling at Concordia University Irvine
  • University of Dallas Psychology Department
  • University of North Texas
  • (A few others are in discussions)

想要在UDCC和他们的大学工作的实习学生/实习生不需要 与UDCC有合作协议,学生可以查询他们的项目 和UDCC主任,看看他们可能有什么选择来开始一个 Affiliation Agreement.

应用 to be an Undergrad Intern or Master Clinical Practicum/Intern
To apply to be an Intern 点击这里


持牌临床助理(LPC-Associate, lft - a, LMSW)可申请兼职 员工,通过我们的人力资源部,作为W2员工,如果有目前开放 职位. 的同事 must have their own off-site board approve supervisor and carry their own liability insurance. 的同事 will have options for all opportunities 上面列出的.

See if there are current 这里的职位空缺.

For more information on any of the programs 上面列出的, contact us at:

The University of Dallas 咨询中心
1845 E. 北门博士.哈格尔340