


Genuine care inspired by a sense of hope, healing and resiliency through life struggles 进入人类繁荣,导致一个更加丰富的社会.




UDCC Case Manager & AdminAnna Sales, BA


Anna moved to Texas from Alberta, Canada in 2022 to grow their family ministry. She graduated with a degree in Communications from Miriam College in the Philippines,a Catholic institution committed to the development of effective women leaders who are active 社会变革的推动者.她是一位妻子、母亲和祖母. 安娜有20多年的专业经验 在行政,教育和社会服务案件管理. Outside of work 在事工方面,她喜欢花时间和家人在一起,旅行和阅读. Anna 很乐意为您解答关于UDCC和OSA的大部分问题. She is looking 期待为您提供帮助. 欢迎过来打个招呼!

*困难调度? 找不到合适的时间? 不确定治疗是否适合你? 需要食物、住所、安全等资源?
**OR - you have questions where you just don't know where to start, contact Anna to 看看哪些选项最适合你!


Johnathan Sumpterjonathan Sumpter, MBA, MA, LPC-S

Office: 哈格大学中心340
Email: jmsumpter@euroins.net

jonathan Sumpter, MBA, MA, LPC-S, NCC,毕业于西德克萨斯大学&M with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology, Marquette University with an Master of Arts in counseling, and the University of Dallas with a Master of Business Administration with an emphasis 在卫生服务管理方面. 他还曾就读于云顶集团(University of Dallas) 21世纪初的神学院学生. 他是一名有执照的专业咨询师,也是一名国民 certified counselor. 他是一个丈夫和父亲,他的家庭是他的快乐. He wants 帮助所有的学生找到生活的乐趣. Jonathan's clinical perspective has been informed by work in various clinical settings: providing psychoeducational groups and aiding clinical assessments at a children’s psychological assessment center, working with individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, providing marriage and family counseling in a hospital's neonatal intensive care unit and acute care unit, providing psychotherapy in inner city outpatient centers, an inpatient psych-hospital, and a drug rehab, and in owning mental health services businesses.


Catherine BrocketteCatherine A. Brockette, MA, LPC 

Catherine Brockette is a Licensed Professional Counselor who is passionate about supporting 其他人在他们的旅途中. 凯瑟琳来自南加州,赢得了她 B.A. 她是南加州大学心理学博士.A. in Psychology 来自华盛顿特区的美利坚大学.C. 凯瑟琳作为一个青少年和家庭工作 therapist for court-referred and adjudicated adolescents and has designed and implemented arts and education programs for youth in North Texas; including a life skills program. Catherine was clinically trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy, Suicide Risk Assessment, and Motivational Interviewing at The Steven A. Cohen Metrocare的军人家庭诊所. 在那里,她为退伍军人、青年和家庭提供咨询 with a focus on anxiety, depression, PTSD, adjustment issues, and suicide risk assessment and prevention. 她在主教林奇高中为学生和他们的家庭服务 作为一名辅导员和音乐剧导演(另一种激情)!). Catherine lives with 她的丈夫,女儿和两条狗.

Susan Ghalibaf

Susan Ghalibaf, LCSW

Susan Ghalibaf, MSW, LCSW, graduated from the University of Texas system with a BA 1991年获社会学学位,1998年获城市生活垃圾学位. 她已经有20多年的执照了. Her clinical experience includes inpatient psychiatric care at Presbyterian Hospital of 普莱诺以及门诊治疗在各种临床设置. Susan specializes 为青少年、青年和家庭提供治疗服务. She strives to provide culturally relevant and sensitive treatment in a safe and inclusive manner. In addition, she speaks three languages due to her travels and living in various countries. 苏珊珍惜与丈夫和两个成年子女在一起的时光. 


Debbie K


由LPC-S的David Mora监督
Email: dkaluza@euroins.net

Debbie graduated from the University of Dallas with a Masters degree in Catholic Educational Leadership.  在她开始咨询之前,她做了很多年的教师和医生 a儿童部主任.  黛比拥有基督教咨询硕士学位 获得安伯顿大学专业咨询硕士学位.  She has a passion for helping people discover and cultivate their gifts, and feels especially 有幸能与美国大学的学生们一起工作.D. 黛比西班牙语说得很流利,而且喜欢 与不同的文化交流和学习. 她是一个妻子,母亲,和 grandmother, and believes her life experience is one of her greatest strengths as a Counselor.

Tommy T

Tommy Tellson, M.Ed.,硕士,lft - a, LPC-Associate

由克里斯·斯特拉维奇博士监督.Min, LPC-S, LMFT-S
Email: ttellson@euroins.net

Tommy graduated from Sam Houston State with his clinical degrees, studied engineering as an undergraduate, earned a graduate degree in Montessori Studies, served in the 还在神学院待了一年. 他喜欢和妻子一起读书 and making pilgrimages. 作为一名顾问,汤米对自己的核心角色充满热情 that relationships play in helping us lead fulfilled lives and sees issues primarily 从关系的角度看. 他很高兴有机会为特拉华大学社区服务 期待与您的会面.


监督:jonathan M. Sumpter, MBA, MA, LPC-S

Debbie K.

Isabella de Cardenas, B.S.

我叫伊莎贝拉,是古巴裔美国人,来自加利福尼亚,后来成为德克萨斯人. I moved to Texas 8 years ago to get my B.S. 新加坡管理大学应用生理学和健康管理硕士. After working at an ER throughout the pandemic, I identified a greater need for mental health and familial healing, motivating me to change my plan for Medical School to pursue 西北大学婚姻与家庭治疗硕士学位. I am a UD clinical intern who is passionate about teaching people how to recognize patterns, build strength 从内心做起,在自信中成长. 在工作中,我的态度是友善和鼓励的 through challenges. 我期待着与你见面,并作为一个团队为你做最好的工作 success.

Zofia DangZofia Dang, B.A.

Email: zdang@euroins.net

Zofia在越南出生和长大. 她于2015年与家人一起来到美国. She graduated from University of North Texas with a bachelor’s in psychology and a 辅修成瘾研究. 她目前正在攻读心理咨询硕士学位 Our Lady of the Lake University and is expecting to finish her degree in August 2024. Zofia is also a leader of the Young Adult Ministry at Mother of Perpetual Help Parish and has a great passion for helping young people in the community connect and grow spiritually. With a creative heart and hands-on experience at Dallas Art Therapy (Richardson, TX), she would love to accompany her clients through their healing journey using expressive art therapy.

Nathan Dickey

Nathan Dickey, B.A.

Nathan graduated from Brigham Young University with a BA in history and is currently 在特拉华大学攻读心理学硕士学位. 他在国外做过志愿者工作,教过书 basic Spanish and teaching skills to missionaries and mentored young adults at a residential treatment center. 他的临床经验主要是和年轻人一起工作 who struggled with anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD and technology-related addictions. Nathan takes joy in helping those around him to recognize their values and live by 以更大的奉献精神. 他的兴趣包括哲学,独立音乐, 徒步旅行、风景摄影和电子游戏.

Phu NguyenPhu Nguyen, B.A.

Email: pnguyen2@euroins.net

Phu graduated from University of North Texas at Dallas with a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology and is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health 北德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校的心理咨询师. 她目前是一名UD临床医生 实习生有强烈的愿望,帮助个人应对生活中的挑战. She find fulfillment in witnessing the transformative impact of support and guidance, and value 每个人的独特旅程. 她的快乐来自于同情地倾听, 分享见解,促进个人成长. 她很高兴有机会提供支持 其他人在他们的旅途中s to self-discovery and healing, knowing that she is privileged 为他人的恢复力和福祉做出贡献.


Matthew TerraMatthew Terra, B.S.

Matthew graduated from the University of Texas at Tyler with a BS in chemistry and is currently pursuing a Master of Psychology with a Clinical Concentration at UD. He previously served as a full-time Catholic missionary with FOCUS at McNeese State University in Lake Charles, LA, and most recently as an undergraduate admission counselor at UD. 除了陪伴妻子和两条狗,他还喜欢听音乐 folk music, working out, visiting craft breweries, and most importantly growing closer 借着祷告和圣礼归向基督. 马修期待着为 students of UD with an emphasis on empathy, compassion, and understanding in hopes 治愈和更大的幸福.


